Few words about ExtJS

27 May
Latest posts by Goran (see all)

About ExtJS common questions

Hey to all, newcomers and daily readers! This is actually a first post on our blog 🙂 .

Some of you are probably having some questions about ExtJS framework or maybe a little bit confused.

I will try to answer some questions that struggled me when I was starting to program in ExtJS.

1. Why should you learn or use ExtJS

It’s a leading framework for business applications, custom CMS development or any product where you need great support with working with data.
There are several reasons why ExtJS stands out from competition:

  • Hundreds or ready-made components – examples
  • Object Oriented
    Similar to java’s dot notation, more about this later..
  • Great API
  • MVC and now MVVC support
    In an MVC architecture, most classes are either Models, Views or Controllers.
    The user interacts with Views, which display data held in Models. Those interactions are monitored by a Controller, which then responds to the interactions by updating the View and Model, as necessary. MCV enables us clean code and perfect architecture.
  • Fully documented – docs
  • Built in theme support
  • Command line tool gives us some powerful features like
    Generatating or extending entire applications with MVC components, managing themes and code packages, code minification, code compression (shorter var, function names etc), sencha compiler:
  • There are not so many ExtJS developers
  • Much much more..

2. Is ExtJS free?

Framework is available under Commercial License or the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). This means that any developer can pay for framework.
If you don’t want to pay you must make you code open source on GitHub, Google Code, Bitbucket or similar and use it under Open Source (GPLv3) licence.

If you are developing a project and don’t want it to be open source you can then buy a framework. You can also use a 30 day trial version.

More about licencing here: legal

3. Ok I will give it a try, what how?

You can download trial here

And than stick to tutorials on our site!
We will try to cover everything we know and help you as much as we can!